UPDATE: 6-21-22
This next event will be taking place at Wrentham Cable 8! Cable 8 has an in person capacity of 15 people with only 9 spots remaining! However, there will still be a virtual option too! Please join us by filling out the form submission at the bottom of this page.
Next topic: Automating Workflow & Expanding Connections
Learn how your neighboring stations are revolutionizing PEG.
June 22, 2022
Wrentham Cable Access
686 South Street
Wrentham, MA 02093
(Registration will be closing today at 5pm)
Registrants will also have the option of attending
In Person (15 max)
Virtually via Zoom. (100 max)
10am - Meet & Greet
10:30 - Start
What is Cross Community Connectivity?
The purpose of this group
What came from our first user group in December
Where this is going
Success stories since December
Feedback or input from other stations
Giving stations a voice
Understand concepts of workflow and how to get beyond blockers
Current Services you’re using and filling the gap
What’s needed for equipment versus what can you use that you already have
What’s on the horizon or here for tools and resources you may need
Mobile internet
Equipment or resource tracker
Guest speakers
How stations can better cross collaborate with equipment