Get a head-start on a career in media with Milford TV!
Click the images below to learn more about each of our Internships. If these seem like the kind of opportunities that interest you, please fill out the form submission below!
Internship participants will learn:
Week 1: Today’s technology and how to use it
Week 2: The differences between the print and the Web environments
Week 3: How to interview people
Week 4: Framing and Rule of Thirds
Week 5: How to do a standup
Week 6: How to use production gear
Week 7: What is convergence Journalism
Week 7: How to distinguish facts from opinions
Week 8: How to address their audience’s viewing styles: The 3 second/30 seconds/3
minutes ruleWeek 9: “Milking a Meeting” – How to develop content, content, content from covering
just one meetingWeek 10: “The Stories Around Us” – How to develop stories from everyday observations
Week 11: Writing news for the Web environment
Week 12: How local governments in Massachusetts function
Week 13: How to cover public governmental meetings online
Week 14: How to blend “copy” with video
Week 15: How to produce news stories online
Week 16: How to produce feature stories online
Week 17 How to broadcast live
Week 18: How to develop content for podcasts
Week 19: How to produce a multicast
Once the 19-week internship has come to an end, opportunity to extend to a 38 week may
be available upon request