
Welcome to the Member Show Proposal page! Please fill out the form below with the requested information and submit when completed. Once received, you will get a response from a Milford TV staff member regarding your show proposal.

Show proposals must be submitted prior to member training. Additional crew of one or more will be necessary to facilitate any production. Please be prepared to have all necessary crew available for training. Shows taped in studio will require a Director & Editor at minimum, if not an additional camera operator as well. Shows recorded outside of a studio would require a camera operator and editor. In many instances, the show creators will serve as chief editor on their production. Otherwise, creators may enlist for editing help of their own choosing, or request help through Milford TV’s network of volunteers.

Please note that due to the current climate of COVID-19, Milford TV makes every effort to accommodate all requests. However, due to circumstances outside of our control, not all requests may be fulfilled.