How do I become a Member?
To become a member of Milford TV, a person or organization must meet all of the following conditions:
Provide proof of residency or business address in Milford (Post office boxes are not valid.
Complete a Membership Application Form
Attend an orientation session
Sign an Agreement Form for rules and procedures for Milford TV
Pay the required Membership fee.
Have Questions/ Looking for more info?
Contact our Member Services Coordinator, Nick Coelho!
Membership Categories
Individual Membership
Cable Subscribers: $15
Non Subscribers: $25
Individual Members have the following privileges:
Access to training workshops, use of equipment, and receive e-newsletters.
Eligible for one vote at annual membership meetings.
Eligible to receive technical advice from the Milford TV staff for program production.
Family Membership
Cable Subscribers: $15
Non Subscribers: $25
Up to four persons living in the same household who apply for membership together.
Family members have all the privileges of an individual membership.
A family membership is entitled to one vote.
Non-Profit Organization Membership
Non-profit Organizations: $100
Available for any firms, corporations, organizations, institutions, city departments, public and private schools or other entities recognized as non-profit and tax-exempt by the IRS.
Groups joining have all the privileges of individual memberships.
A non-profit membership is entitled to one vote. Non-profit organizations are eligible to receive training for up to seven people per membership year with training for additional people available at $20 per person.
Business Membership
Business organization: $200
Friends of Milford TV Membership
Individual: $25
Family: $25
NPO: $50
Business Organizations: $75
Available for Milford-based, for-profit firms, corporations, organizations, insitutions or other entities.
Eligible to receive training fro up to four people per membership year.
Businesses joining shall have all privileges of an individual membership.
Also included: 3 months of Community Bulletin Board sponsorship on Milford TV
A Business membership is entitled to one vote.
Can be individuals, families, non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses that may join as supporters of Milford TV and it’s mission.
Friends of Milford TV members will receive newsletters, email updates of events and program highlights, and may attend Milford TV functions throughout the term of their membership.
Friends of Milford TV may not sponsor a program for cablecast on any of Milford TV’s channels.
A Friends of Milford TV membership is entitled to one vote.