
Welcome to the Program Proposal page! Please fill out the form below with the requested information and submit when completed. Qualifying Programs can be bicycled in from any neighboring down and don’t require a Milford TV membership. However, programs do require screening ahead of any potential airing at Milford TV’s discretion.

Please note that due to the current climate of COVID-19, Milford TV makes every effort to accommodate all requests. However, due to circumstances outside of our control, not all requests may be fulfilled.


Once you have submitted the form above, you can go to and begin the upload process. You will first see a screen similar to the one shown below - click “Advanced” and then choose to “Accept the Risk and Continue”

Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 1.36.36 PM.png

Log in by using the following credentials:

Login: guest

Password: milfordtv

An example of the login screen you will see upon entering the upload portal

An example of the login screen you will see upon entering the upload portal

Then follow these steps

  • Step 1: Select Upload

  • Step 2: Select “Browse” and choose the file on your computer to open

  • Step 3: Select “upload” (Keep browser open until file has completed it’s upload)